Women's Job List

Job Hopper? How to Structure Your Resume

As if we needed it, there was more jaw-dropping news that came out of the job market recently. According to a recent study by Right Management, North American HR executives and hiring managers are less likely to want to hire you if they think you’ve been job hopping.


There’s more: “That was a surprise since we figured American and Canadian managers were more aware than most of the job market turmoil of the past decade or more,” according to Right Management’s Monika Morrow.


No kidding. You’ve already been told that if you’ve been unemployed for a long time, you’re already one of the undesirables. And now, if your career includes some short-term gigs, you’re even more in the leper colony. Who cares if contracting and freelancing are considered normal by normal people? The HR and hiring managers in this study seem to be on an alternate universe.


What can you do if you have several short-term engagements on your resume and you want to avoid the job-hopping designation? One solution is to lump all your projects/gigs together under one heading. You’ll still look self-employed (another HR obstacle) but you’ll have a better chance of getting past the gatekeepers.

Mary Schumacher
CareerFrames LLC
