Women's Job List

Suzy Welch's 10-10-10: Curing Everybody's Happy But Me Syndrome

All of us working Moms know that our days are filled with decisions, and typically we choose to put others, be that our children, husbands, or colleagues, before ourselves. The life of a working Mom is plagued with guilt over the choices we make on a daily basis. Author, TV commentator, and mother of four, Suzy Welch says we need to “stop living by guilt”. 


In a 2009 interview on NBC’s The Today Show, Welch told hosts Hoda Kotb and Kathy Lee Gifford that her life turned around when she started considering the consequences her decisions would have 10 minutes, 10 months, and 10 years into the future. This process, and influence for the title of her book 10-10-10: A Life Transforming Idea, has helped Welch cure her “everybody’s happy but me syndrome” and start living by her own values. It is only when she began to create the life that she wanted that those around her could be happy as well. 


Because we live in an accelerated world, Welch advises readers to “make good, thoughtful decisions” in order to create the life they want. Welch admits that this book comes out of a crisis moment in her own life and helped her with the balance of career and family and helped her become a happier and more balanced person.


Welch can be followed on Twitter, @SuzyWelch, and the afore mentioned interview is below.