Women's Job List

To Buy Or Not To Buy? What A Question

In today’s economy, most people are holding on to every dollar hoping to make that dollar stretch insurmoutable lengths. They look for ways to make that dollar duplicate and multiply. Frugality is now a more common household personality. Even though there has always been a level of uncertainty in daily living, there was a certain amount of trust that a job would always be there to be had. The banks would always have the money if a withdrawal was made or the money would be protected if a deposit was made. Gas would always be available and cheap. But, that is not the case for today. The United States Department of Labor estimates a nationwide unemployment rate of 8.8%, and the individual States rates are even higher. In 2009, the banks requested baoilout monies to cover their financial deterioration.  Gas prices spiked to over $4.00 and threatened further increase. It is safe to say that the fragment of trust most had for the above has become null and void; and daily uncertainty has ascended to the point of making the once pleasure of spending money on simple wants and joys an almost illogical nightmare. Almost illogical since spending that dollar could be the difference between a new pair of shoes and filing bankruptcy. You just never know.  


But, let’s be reasonable. For most, it’s not that bad. But, when the matter of spending money is approached, the one spending the money must trust that the expense is needed, sensible, and beneficial. Though the idea of buying shoes causing backruptcy may be a little far-fetched, people are being very particular about their expenses as if this could happen. So, the need to make a purchase must be established, the amount of the purchase must be compatible to the item purchased (you get what you pay for), and the purchase must be beneficial to the purchaser or it’s wasted money. 

 Research has shown that the cost to procure a professional resume writer’s services could range from as little as $80 to as much as $1,000 depending on the company and the desired resume. There are many things that are considered when these prices are determined such as: the time to write the resume, the skills and talent of the individual and their ability to take a bland, traditional resume and make it a brilliant masterpiece, the amount of information provided, the tools used by the company, and many more financial factors based on the business structure of the company. If someone is in search of a new job and is looking to get their resume updated or to get a resume written, in the face of frugality, the cost alone would deter. But in considering a professional resume writer, the three characters of the purchase, need, sensibility, and benefit, can be easily met and shown to pay for itself.


The need for a resume is obvious. Most jobs can not be applied for without one. A resume is an introduction of your skills, knowledge, and experience. It is the doorway to an interview. Unfortunately, without a proper resume that clearly and creatively presents the above, that door will never be opened. That’s where the need of a resume writer comes into play. A professional resume writer has developed the skills and talent to create a resume that is an eye-catching, keyword laden,  professional marketing tool. Their abilities will be the little voice that makes your resume say  “Call me for an interview.”


Depending on the information provided, the positions applied for, and the tools used, the resume creation process could take up to several hours or more to complete; and as the above paragraph has explained, many factors are considered in the cost analysis of resume writing services. The purchaser has only to consider the process to weigh if the cost matches the product. The benefits to purchasing the services of a resume writer are getting the job you want, making the money you want, and living the life you want. The cost of purchasing a resume writer could be covered in one month’s pay after expenses.


Though the cost may be high, it is far outweighed by the benefits. Just think of not having to stretch that one dollar so far. With the great job which started with having a great resume, who knows? You may have two dollars to strectch.  To buy or not to buy? All things considered...why wouldn’t you?